Nathan Mekuria

Software Developer

Passionate about intuitive interfaces, scalable apps, and machine learning for data-driven insights.


Hey there! I'm Nathan, a student at KAIST. I am immersed in the study of Artificial Intelligence, complementing my strong foundation in algorithms and software engineering. As an Artificial Intelligence engineer, I channel my expertise into real-world projects, seamlessly blending theoretical knowledge with practical applications.

Outside of class, I actively engage in side projects, applying my skills to hands-on challenges. Feel free to reach out or explore my projects as I navigate the dynamic intersection of education and technology, leveraging my diverse experiences to discover the forefront of software engineering and artificial intelligence.

Welcome to my corner of the internet. I'm glad you're here!


  1. Jan โ€” July 2023

    During my internship, I undertook a research-driven project focused on engineering a modularized multiple-choice question-generating platform named KUIZ. This involved delving into the intricacies of designing an optimal user interface to enhance accessibility and usability. Additionally, I played a role in conducting user testing, ensuring that the developed platform not only met the research specifications but also aligned seamlessly with user expectations. This multifaceted experience allowed me to integrate research, design, and testing methodologies, contributing significantly to the research project.

    • Typescript
    • Next.js
    • Styled Components
    • Figma
    • LLMs
  2. Jan โ€” Mar 2022

    During my internship, I focused on creating a dynamic dashboard to visualize information collected from test users' smartphones and smart bands. The aim was to effectively track and display their location and activities throughout the day. This project required a strategic integration of data from diverse sources, emphasizing data anomaly cleanup, data visualization, and analytics. By developing this dashboard, I contributed to enhancing the monitoring and analysis capabilities, providing insights into user behavior and trends.

    • Data Visualization
    • D3.js
    • Python
    • Data Analysis
  3. Feb โ€” Dec 2020

    During my internship, I focused on replicating a research paper that explored adversarial attack training using pretrained generative adversarial networks for photo applications. This involved a comprehensive study of the paper's methodology, implementation of pretraining models, and experimentation with adversarial attack strategies.

    • Python
    • Machine Learning
    • Deep Learning
    • GANs


  1. The React E-commerce App represents the convergence of modern technologies. It combines the power of the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) and GraphQL to create a feature-rich online shopping platform. Developed using TypeScript, this application offers a secure and efficient e-commerce experience for users. Currently using firebase for the backend for convenient hosting.

    • TypeScript
    • MongoDB
    • Express.js
    • React
    • Node.js
    • GraphQL
    • Firebase
    • SCSS
  2. The DRF Pizza Menu API is designed to streamline the pizza ordering process. Developed with Django Rest Framework (DRF) and JavaScript, it ensures an efficient ordering experience for users. The API allows businesses to manage their pizza menus effectively and respond to customer orders promptly.

    • Django Rest Framework
  3. The React Order Pizza application offers a convenient solution for ordering pizzas online. Developed with React, Bootstrap, and using DRF-Pizza-Menu-API, it provides a seamless user experience.

    • JavaScript
    • React
    • SCSS
  4. The React Native Inventory Tracker is a comprehensive solution for managing and tracking inventory. Developed with React Native, this application provides a seamless mobile experience for users.

    • JavaScript
    • React Native
  5. The Django Blog project is a versatile and visually appealing blog platform. Developed with Django and Bootstrap, it offers users a seamless content creation, authentication, and publishing experience.

    • Python
    • Django
    • Bootstrap